

Trench & Treat

Trench/ Stations


Retreat Only Service Agreement

1st year

2nd – 5th year

Cost for 5 years










Repair Contracts- $100,000 in Protection  (10,000 aggregate)

1st year

2nd – 5th year

Cost for 5 years







Not Available

Not Available

Not Available

Type of termite coveredSubterraneanSubterranean
The type of termite coveredDrywoods, Dampwoods & FormosanDrywoods, Dampwoods & Formosan
Description of TreatmentTrench and TreatBait Stations
Drilling Concrete/ PaversYesNo
Digging Trench Against HomeYesNo
Damage to LandscapingYesHoles every 15 – 20 ft.
Traps every 10 to 20 FeetNoYes
FAQTrench and TreatBait Stations
ChemicalsYes, around the exterior of the homeIn the bait stations
How long does the treatment last?5  yearsAs needed
How long do treatments take to work?Up to 6 months per label6 months or longer
Can Termites still enter the homePossibly through cracks in foundations or treatmentYes
How does it work?Creates a barrier to eliminate termitesWorker termite shares the poisoned bait with other members of the colony